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UTI Aggressive Hybrid Fund vs Nippon India Equity Hybrid Fund compare

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tortoise-icon Nippon India Equity Hybrid Fund - Growth Plan

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tortoise-icon UTI Aggressive Hybrid Fund- Regular Plan - Growth

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Chart Comparison

Overview Trailing Returns SIP Returns Rolling Returns Risk Managers Market Cap Sectors


Scheme Name Nippon India Equity Hybrid Fund - Growth Plan UTI Aggressive Hybrid Fund- Regular Plan - Growth
Fund Nippon India Equity Hybrid Fund - Growth Plan UTI Aggressive Hybrid Fund- Regular Plan - Growth
Investment Plan Growth Growth
Level of Risk Very High Very High
Asset Size (Cr) ₹3712 Cr ₹5956 Cr
Min Investment ₹500 ₹1000
Min SIP Invesment ₹500 ₹500
Min Addl Investment ₹500 ₹1000
Launch Date 08 Jun 2005 25 Mar 2000
Category Aggressive Aggressive
Fund Type Open Ended Open Ended
Benchmark CRISIL Hybrid 35+65 Aggressive TRI CRISIL Hybrid 35+65 Aggressive Index
Turn Over 40% 27%
Expense Ratio 1.97 1.89
Manager Sushil Budhia V Srivatsa
ISIN Code INF204K01FW1 INF789F01323
Exits Load Nippon India Equity Hybrid Fund - Growth charges 1.0% of sell value; if fund sold before 365 days. There are no other charges./365 UTI Aggressive Hybrid Fund - Growth charges 1.0% of sell value; if fund sold before 365 days. There are no other charges./365

Trailing Lumpsum Returns

Scheme Name Nippon India Equity Hybrid Fund - Growth Plan UTI Aggressive Hybrid Fund- Regular Plan - Growth
1 Month -2.38% -2.53%
6 Month -9.01% -8.69%
1 Year 3.07% 7.5%
3 Year 13.6% 15.43%
5 Year 17.13% 19.83%

SIP Return Analysis

Scheme Name Nippon India Equity Hybrid Fund - Growth Plan UTI Aggressive Hybrid Fund- Regular Plan - Growth
6 Month -6.81% -6.26%
1 Year -10.08% -7.52%
3 Year 11.3% 13.71%
5 Year 14.29% 16.19%

Rolling Lumpsum Returns

Scheme Name Nippon India Equity Hybrid Fund - Growth Plan UTI Aggressive Hybrid Fund- Regular Plan - Growth
1 Year 11.83% 13.82%
3 Year 12.47% 12.4%
5 Year 12.93% 11.66%

Risk Management

Scheme Name Nippon India Equity Hybrid Fund - Growth Plan UTI Aggressive Hybrid Fund- Regular Plan - Growth
Standard Deviation 10.21% 9.01%
Sharp 0.64% 0.8%
Beta 1.035% 1.05%
Alpha 2.193% 4.59%

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Fund Managers

Scheme Name Nippon India Equity Hybrid Fund - Growth Plan UTI Aggressive Hybrid Fund- Regular Plan - Growth
Name Sushil Budhia V Srivatsa
Total AUM ₹29447 Cr ₹7921 Cr
Fund Manage 11 3
Nippon India Equity Hybrid Fund - Growth Plan UTI Aggressive Hybrid Fund- Regular Plan - Growth

Market Cap

Scheme Name

Nippon India Equity Hybrid Fund - Growth Plan

UTI Aggressive Hybrid Fund- Regular Plan - Growth

Others 27.87078 34.57027
Large Cap 51.75744 42.47247
Small Cap 9.11909 9.7497
Mid Cap 11.25271 13.20758

Sector Allocation

Scheme Name

Nippon India Equity Hybrid Fund - Growth Plan

UTI Aggressive Hybrid Fund- Regular Plan - Growth

Others 26.88064 32.58315
Communication Services 3.38063 4.4953
Energy 3.70437 3.43449
Technology 8.42705 6.73097
Industrials 7.9848 4.42401
Financial Services 23.52441 22.78541
Consumer Cyclical 8.44954 8.28395
Consumer Defensive 4.27464 4.69141
Healthcare 5.9902 4.01777
Basic Materials 2.48618 6.04048
Real Estate 1.37893 0.94268
Utilities 3.51863 1.5704

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