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Refund Policy, an investment platform offered by Cognus Technology under ARN - 106881, hereinafter referred to as MySIPonline, does not hold any amount or investment of any investor or client in its account by any means. Investment done through this platform is directly credited to respective Asset Management Companies (AMC's) account via payment gateway. MySIPonline is a service platform and in case of refund, the information is passed on to the respective Asset Management Company. The Refund payable to the clients’ account is the responsibility of AMC only. MySIPonline does not commit or guarantee the time frame in which the amount will be credited to the clients’ account. As a part of the service, mysiponline will take followup on behalf of the client in case of any ambiguity or refund. MySIPonline does not deduct any amount or any kind of service charge for refund, investment, additional purchase or any transaction done through the platform in any way. In case any charges are deducted from the bank account, investor is advised to consult respective bank for the same.

Payment gateway is a third-party service taken by Cognus Technology and this platform does not hold any responsibility for any damage or wrong credit done or for any repayment of amount. As a part of the service, MySIPonline will take followup on behalf of the client in case of any ambiguity. Please note that MySIPonline is not liable to refund amount to the user if the amount is deducted due to technical errors occurring at payment gateway’s end or due to altered banking procedures.

It is also worth mentioning that MySIPonline does not deduct any amount as joining fees or annual subscription fees.

Cancellation Policy

MySIPonline may cancel or terminate this Agreement with you at any point in time on a single notice in the following cases:-

  • If a person is found to upload any objectionable content.
  • At the time of Registration, if you have provided us incorrect or fake information.
  • If you are found breaching any provision of our agreement.
  • Whenever MySIPonline finds it suitable as per the legal requirements.

As a user, you are free to modify or cancel the payment by following the instructions being mentioned from time to time. MySIPonline shall not be held responsible for any known or unknown reasons if you are not able to follow the payment instructions or fail to make the payment on payment due date. It must be noticed that payment process is designed to follow its due course and in case you are not able to follow the instructions as required on the due date, MySIPonline reserves the right to levy penalty for non-compliance of payment instructions after informing the customer in advance.

MySIPonline is not liable for any damage or financial obligation arising out of the use of third-party sites, Bank or Merchant Service Partner. After reading this policy, you agree that in any such instance, MySIPonline shall not be held responsible for impending losses/damages and will not be liable for cancellation or discontinuation of your account.